Friday, January 30, 2009

Morning Exercise Raised My Bloood Presure

Went to the Y this morning. Exercise can be healthy, unless you're watching the news and happen to catch the story about your Governor being impeached. You may be burning calories, but the anger you feel inside, can't be good for your heart.

Although, that story didn't raise my blood pressure half as much as the one about Drew Peterson, the guy "suspected" of killing two of his four wives. He has announced plans to remarry. The fiance, a 24 year old, is living in Peterson's house with her young children! She says she can't imagine Peterson did anything to those women, because he treats her so well.

Well, now my blood is boiling.

Where do all these powerless, insecure women come from???

The truth is, they come from everywhere.

It's not so much that women have been taught to depend on men for food, shelter and clothing, although historically that's true, but that many of us still believe we can't stand on our own two feet!

We talk the talk, "No man is gonna tell me what to do!" - but we don't walk the walk.

We dismiss our talents and dreams and subsist on "making a living" until some Prince comes along to rescue us.

We've got to stop depending on the Prince! I say we, because I too have depended on a prince to make my life better. We've got it backwards, ladies! We make our lives better both financially and emotionally, the man is only there to enrich our lives. If we don't turn it around, we end up with men like Peterson.

Past generations fought for the right to vote, for equal rights and equal pay, but if young women today are still involved in these types of relatioships, then the right message didn't get across!

The old messages run so deep, we don't even realize it ourselves. This became clear to me when Obama was elected President. I was watching Will Smith on Oprah. As a young boy, Smith said his father instilled in him the possibility that he too could become Presdient. And Smith conducted his whole life with that mindset. It shaped his future.

It was then I recalled the message I had received as a young girl. When my mother and I cleaned the house, I wanted to make it shine and sparkle so that if the President ever came to visit, we would be ready! Smith saw himself as President, I saw myself as the housekeeper of the President!

Don't get caught up in the semantics, ladies. This is not about housekeeping. I know women who run housekeeping companies and they are definitely in charge. It's about how we see ourselves.

Are you powerful or powerless? Do you have the power to lead our own life, embrace your own talents, make your own way, without a man?

If there is one person in your life who is worried about the guy you're currently with, please, please, read this again, and again. If there is more than one person worried about the guy you're with, back away from the prince and get help now.